Should We be Focused on Redeeming the Culture?


“The tenor of scriptural prophecy that tells us that God’s people will take the gospel effectively to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), does not indicate that there will be gradual warming to God’s people as we move forward toward the Kingdom.” - Kevin Schaal


Kevin DeYoung: The Pitfalls and Possibilities of Being “Political”


“I would love to see Christians pontificating much less about complex matters they don’t understand….But even if we did all that (and we should), we would not be free from politics. There is no category called ‘politics’ that can be safely quarantined from the category we call ‘religion.’” - Kevin DeYoung


Be Careful About the Multiplying Attacks on Christian Nationalism


“I am compelled to sound a word of warning here. Be very wary when CNN seeks to define what is and what is not true Christianity. And when anyone claims that a form of Christianity is a threat to democracy, it is usually a pretext for marginalization and persecution.” - Kevin Schaal


Why Truth Matters


“In recent years, many Christians have either abandoned or deprioritized the notion of truth, elevating personal experience over what God has revealed about Himself and His world. …Christians must not give up on the idea of truth nor downplay its importance, even in an attempt to gain a wider hearing. Christianity matters precisely because it is true. If it isn’t true, it doesn’t matter.” - Breakpoint
