Why do some churches reject apologetics ministry?


“…they may have seen someone use apologetics to try to argue people into the kingdom, or people use apologetics to actually tear people down….That sounds like really bad apologetics. But just because someone has done apologetics poorly doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it. It means that we need to do it better.” - CPost


Counsel for a Friend Who Wonders Which Christian Forest He’ll Land In


“I also know that evil dwells within me, as Romans shows, and that good dwells even among my enemies. God causes his common grace to fall on the unjust. And I find this to be such helpful knowledge. It takes from my shoulders the pressures of an impossible worldview.” - Mark Ward


Have You Read a Book Yet This Year?


“A week is plenty of time to have finished, or at least to have begun, a new book. Of course it’s also plenty of time to have binged a few series on Netflix or to have spent several evenings mindlessly scrolling through the endless dopamine-stimulating social networks” - Challies
