Paul at Athens: Observations for Apologetics

Within the Book of Acts is an anthology of apostolic preaching. Among those sermons is Paul’s address to the pagans and philosophers of Athens, what has been called his Areopagitica. [1] Here Paul proclaimed the gospel, not to parthenon.jpgbiblically informed, monotheistic Jews, but to pagans and philosophers of thoroughly unbiblical presuppositions.


Internet Safety

12 Things Christian Parents Should Teach Their Children

by Debi Pryde


New Year’s Resolutions

Have you broken any of them yet?

How many of you have ever felt the searing frustration or grinding discouragement over lack of personal discipline or steadfastness to personal commitments? Even in February?

What is wrong with us?

Over 2,700 years ago, God clearly communicated to Judah through Isaiah their problem:


Why Love? Part 1

I am by nature an angry person. Most people who know me well would deny that. In fact, my friend Jason Janz often tells people, “Brian’s a lover.” That statement is true now, but it is true only by the grace of God working in my life. Anger, incidentally, serves me well when it comes to the protection of the Gospel or to why_love1.jpgthe defense of those I love. I can harness that energy and express it under control, hopefully for the glory of God.


Resolved for 2007: Get the Wisdom from Above, Part 2

Having explored the “meekness of wisdom” in James 3:13 and drawn out the possible reasons wisdom should lead to meekness (Part 1), with James we now contrast the wisdom from below with the wisdom from above.


The Testimony of Casey Foster

Note: This year at SI, we’d like to feature stories of life change. If you are aware of a story that is current and shows the power of Christ in the life, please email it to The stories should be 1,500 to 2,000 words long and should include a photo. Also, we’d like to have a pastor’s recommendation sent along with the testimony.


Resolved for 2007: Get the Wisdom from Above, Part 1

Who among the SharperIron readership is wise and understanding? By his good conduct, let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.
wisdom_part1.jpgThe question I put to you now is the question that James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, put to his readership (“the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad”) some several centuries ago (James 3:13, paraphrased). Wisdom still cries in the streets, offering to us simpletons an opportunity to learn her ways.
