How can pro-life Christians also support capital punishment?


“For nearly two millennia now, this passage [Rom 13:4] has been seen by most Christian faith traditions both as authorizing governmental authority and authorizing their right to use lethal force to punish evil doers, domestically through the criminal justice system and internationally through the military in “just war” conflicts with other nations.” - Richard Land


AG Barr Reinstates Federal Death Penalty after 16-Year Hiatus


Barr: “Congress has expressly authorized the death penalty through legislation adopted by the people’s representatives in both houses of Congress and signed by the President… The Justice Department upholds the rule of law — and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.” - National Review


Is Capital Punishment for Today?


“True, New Testament believers do not live under the Old Testament economy, but that does not render the Old Testament obsolete—or even nearly so.” - AiG


Moore: Pope's reasoning wrong on death penalty ban


Moore emphasizes “the distinction the Bible makes between the innocent and the guilty,” adding, “The gospel shows us forgiveness for the guilty through the sin-absorbing atonement of Christ, not through the state’s refusal to carry out temporal justice.” BPress
