Questions for Aimee


“So along the lines of Aimee’s recent blog posts, I have listed some questions and concerns regarding her book. I did not formulate these entirely on my own. Some are from readers who did not feel comfortable raising these concerns publicly.” - Ref21


A Response to Scot McKnight and Matthew Bates


“Most of my remarks here will be directed toward Scot McKnight’s article, since it makes a more substantive argument, though I’ll mention Matthew Bates’s as well here and there. There are three main areas I’d like to address. First, has my view of the gospel shifted from ‘soterian’ to ‘a King Jesus Gospel?’” - Greg Gilbert


Where Must Faith Always Look

Where Must Faith Always Look? I’m sure we all know that the answer is Christ – at least we ought to! I know, but I’m afraid I don’t always live it. I need constant reminders. So this isn’t me sermonizing (I’m unqualified); it’s a confession of my failing, and a passing on of a message from someone else…


“Is Europe Christian? It’s a more complicated question than it sounds.”


“…unlike so many other scholars, [author Olivier Roy] emphasizes the difference between Lutheranism (which, with its doctrine of the Two Kingdoms and vocation is ‘self-secularizing,’ giving religious significance to the secular realm) and Calvinism (which tends to seek Christian rule of the secular order).


Available free: John Piper's new book “Coronavirus and Christ”


The book “invites readers around the world to stand on the solid Rock, who is Jesus Christ, in whom our souls can be sustained by the sovereign God who ordains, governs, and reigns over all things to accomplish his wise and good purposes for those who trust in him.” - Crossway


A Handbook for Thriving Amid Secularism


“Mark Sayers has not written another book on the challenges that face the church in the West, though few would be better suited to do so. He’s written instead a handbook for not only surviving but even thriving in our secular age. Sayers is the author of Reappearing Church: The Hope for Renewal in the Rise of Our Post-Christian Culture” - TGC


“We've become addicted to outrage and it’s killing us.”


“I wrote Christians in an Age of Outrage: How to Bring Out Our Best When the World’s at Its Worst not to scold Christians for being like the world in our constant sense of outrage. I wrote it primarily to help us to be at our best in our age of outrage—how we can break the addiction and find a better path forward.” - Ed Stetzer


“...we still have a lot to learn from the early and medieval church”


“Some church history and tradition have been forgotten or neglected by many modern Christians…in part, for lack of knowledge of their importance.” Gavin Ortlund, pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai, California, talks about recovering lost doctrine and practice and his new book Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals. - Ref21


6 Tips for Reading Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion


“It might seem a little silly to offer tips on how to read a book. Don’t you start reading the first page and keep going until you reach the end? Well, yes. And no! Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion requires some guidance, or else readers will get confused and lose interest in a hurry. There are several reasons why this is the case.” - Servants of Grace
