Book Review: Schulz and Peanuts

Note: This article is reprinted with permission from As I See It, a monthly electronic magazine compiled and edited by Doug Kutilek. AISI is sent free to all who request it by writing to the editor at

Schulz and Peanuts: A Biography by David Michaelis. New York: Harper, 2007. 655 pp., hardback. $34.95


Book Review: Turn Away Wrath

Hummel, Rand. Turn Away Wrath: Meditations to Control Anger and Bitterness. Greenville, SC; JourneyForth, 2007. Softcover, 165 pages. $8.49.

(Review copy courtesy of BJU Press.)


Book Review: Showdown

Dekker, Ted. Showdown. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2006. Jacketed Hardcover, 384 pages. $22.99.
