The Twilight Series from a Christian Perspective, Part 1

twilight_cvr.jpgGirl meets boy. Boy becomes obsessed with girl. Girl returns the favor. Boy turns out to be a vampire. Girl doesn’t mind as long as she can be with boy every moment of her life. This is a stereotypical, adolescent relationship (with the exception of the Dracula factor)! In Stephanie Meyer’s fast-paced Twilight series, obsessive love is the name of the game.


Help Wanted: Book Reviews Editor

139391_a_boy_a_girl_and_a_book.jpgHave a keen interest in books? If you also have good people skills (for working with publishers and recruiting reviewers) and time to coordinate our book review efforts at SI, please contact Aaron about your interest, and we’ll talk.


Book Review: Looking for Lincoln

Note: This article is reprinted with permission from As I See It, a monthly electronic magazine compiled and edited by Doug Kutilek. AISI is sent free to all who request it by writing to the editor at


Help Wanted: Book Reviews Editor

BookJason Button has served SI as Book Reviews Editor since February of ‘07 (if not earlier), but is now stepping down from that role. Recent changes—including relocating and getting a new job—have made new demands on his resources.
