Does College Get in the Way of Education?


“A new book paints a dismal picture of the modern Academy and its failure to truly educate and not just indoctrinate. But are the authors’ solutions any better?” - Acton


A review of Jeffrey Bilbro's Reading the Times


“Bilbro suggests that we release ourselves from the junk-food news diet by attending to resources that are deep and rich. This is essential because “so much of what people do under the rubric of unwinding or self-care doesn’t actually recreate or restore; It scratches the itch of our restless souls’ ” - Tim Miller


The Art of Debate as the Road to Healing


“Overall, Voth’s book is a helpful contribution to both the field of communications and the debate community. He explores a theoretical concept and applies it to the world practically and clearly.” - Acton


Book Review - Roger Olson's 'Against Liberal Theology'


“Olson’s thesis is ‘that liberal Christianity has cut the cord of continuity with the Christian past, orthodoxy, so thoroughly that it ought to be considered a different religion.’” - CToday


Is America More Religious Than Popular Opinion Indicates?


On Religion Is Dying? Don’t Believe It by Byron R. Johnson and Jeff Levin: “The two authors, along with Matt Bradshaw and Rodney Stark, provide some fascinating, if not convincing, research that suggests religious institutions, particularly inclusive of Christian congregations, are thriving.” - Church Answers
