Joseph's Weeping: 7 Strategically Arranged Scenes in Genesis


“In Genesis 37–50, there are seven scenes where Joseph weeps. As we read about Joseph’s emotions, they also stir our own….In the Bible, the use of seven is part of an author’s literary strategy. We can look more closely to see whether these seven scenes have an even more strategic design.” - TGC


Are You Praying? Effectively?


“We learn about Elijah’s prayer in two places in the Bible: 1 Kings 18 and James 5:17-18, where God gives us further light on the story. Putting these two scriptures together, I have made seven observations.” - Collin Smith


Does Job Contradict James 3:7?


“But is this passage even stating that every single kind of animal has been tamed? Does ‘every kind’ of animal, or ‘every nature’ of animal, mean that every post-flood species has been tamed? Not at all!” - AiG


Battle over the Nephilim


“Seemingly out of nowhere, the expression ‘giants on the earth’ crops up in Genesis 6:4. Who were these giants? Where did they come from? Interpreters have debated their identity for nearly two thousand years.” - AiG


What Is a Helpmeet?


“We lose quite a bit of meaning if we reduce the idea of a spouse to ‘my little helper’ as ‘helpmeet’ seems to imply. It might be better, if we use the word ‘help,’ to capitalize it and at least add a comma: ‘I will make him an Help, meet for him’ ” - P&D
