New Atheism Is Dead. What’s the New New Atheism?


Alister McGrath: “…the world has moved on and has rather left the New Atheism behind…But that’s no cause for rejoicing, because we have new problems to worry about.” - CToday


The questions that still plague atheism


“[Matthew] Arnold’s ghost haunts a recent three-way dialogue between well-known public intellectuals Douglas Murray, Tom Holland, and Steve Meyer, hosted by Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institution.” - World


Is the New Atheism Dead?


“Though it’s not always clear when a movement is over, there are many indicators that suggest this is the case of the ‘New Atheism,’ a cultural wave that rose in the 2000s and aggressively attacked religion in the guise of scientific rationalism” - Breakpoint


There Is a Secular Case for Life


“An atheist American can look at the shared humanity of the unborn child and believe it is just and wise to extend legal protections to recognize its immense worth and value. My friend and former National Review colleague Charles C.W. Cooke is an atheist, and he wrote powerfully last year to explain why he’s pro-life.” - David French


To My Atheist (Agnostic?) Facebook Friend

I moved on from our recent, very brief Facebook exchange, thinking it would never come to mind again. I thought, “He’s not even trying, why bother?”

But it keeps circling back. You made me think about how my beliefs might look from your point of view, and you asked a couple of questions that deserve answers.

I’ve decided this, though: I’m not going to try to answer your questions in the messy, more-heat-than-light environment of social media. Instead, a friendly open letter.
