Anti-Semitism Is All of Our Problem


“As revolting as the practice of anti-Semitism is, it’s a problem that lies hidden right in the midst of America—and it’s more widespread than we like to admit.” - Heritage


Criticism of Israel or Jew-Hatred? Recognizing Modern Anti-Semitism


“Despite claiming to lack hostility toward the global Jewish people, today’s “anti-Zionists” single out the world’s only Jewish state for specific and demonizing criticism….Join us for an important conversation about modern anti-Semitism, anti-Israel rhetoric, and the role of the IHRA in combatting both.” - Heritage Foundation


“...our online life is limited by the information bubbles we choose to inhabit”


“Humans tend to have an anchoring bias, a cognitive bias that causes us to rely too heavily on the first piece of information we are given about a topic. It’s a tendency highlighted in Proverbs 18:17: ‘The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.’” - TGC
