Is Complementarianism a Man-Made Doctrine?


“The word ‘complementarianism’ is indeed a relatively new term. But it is a new term coined to refer to an ancient teaching that is rooted in the text of scripture. On the contrary, Egalitarianism is the doctrinal innovation, not the biblical idea that men and women are created equally in God’s image with distinct and complementary differences.” - Denny Burk


The Human Distinction


“Transhumanism says that carbon as flesh is weak and carbon as mechanism is strong; at its most fundamentalist it preaches an eschaton of singularity, the upload of our minds—reduced or assumed to be ones and zeros—on immortal circuitries.” - TAC


The Truth Is Always Good: A Tale of Two Books


“Last spring, major publishers released two books… Both authors covered similar ground, but from different convictions. The topic, broadly speaking, was anthropology: who we are as humans—and why understanding our humanity matters. One author took a biblical view and the other, by and large, did not. Both books still seem to be selling well.” - TGC


Satisfying the Multitude


“The folly of crowds. History bears this out in many ways, but the life of Jesus highlights this truth in the most vivid way. The heart of man is indeed fickle, in one moment able to recognize a true authority but in another moment being led by whatever feeds their bellies the most.” - Ref21


The Impact of Psychological Man—and How to Respond


“Only by modeling true community, oriented towards the transcendent, can the church show a rapidly destabilizing world of expressive individuals that there is something greater, more solid, and more lasting than the immediate satisfaction of personal desires.” - Carl Trueman


Madness in Gibeah

The other pastor and I recently finished teaching through the Book of Judges. We each alternate teaching Sunday School and the morning sermon; switching back and forth each week. It fell to me to teach Judges 19.

I don’t teach narrative verse by verse. Instead, I usually teach the passage by crafting several questions from the text that seem to get to the heart of the matter. I’ll discuss one of those questions here.

What’s gone so wrong in Judges 19?


What Does the Bible Have to Teach Our Churches about Multi-Ethnic Unity?


“Given these difficulties, my church’s elders decided we wanted to spend time intentionally shepherding our people to think rightly about our identity as a gospel community as well as our responsibility to one another and the world in these divided times.
