Are Guardian Angels Real?
“My basic answer is probably, and if not, there’s probably some comparable arrangement like that.” - Gavin Ortlund
Demonology: What Does the Bible Say about Demons?
“The Bible does speak of demons, and demonology is a proper subject of theology.2 If angels and demons exist and afflict God’s people as the Bible asserts, then their existence and methods are necessary for a Christian’s understanding of reality.” - Word by Word
The Satan Hypothesis: Is Satan responsible for natural disasters and animal suffering?
“For the [Satan Hypothesis] to work, Satan and his demons must freely alter the physical realm using their own intrinsic powers supplied at their creative inception. In other words, they must be able to ‘push’ physical things around, without requiring God’s direct authority and supernatural power.” - Ken Coulson
Snake or Seraph? The Identity of the Serpent in Genesis 3 (Part 2)
Read Part 1.
Perhaps what Adam and Even saw and heard in the Garden was no mere snake but a serpent-like creature belonging to a higher order than the ordinary “beasts of the field.” Several considerations lend support to this view.
Snake or Seraph? The Identity of the Serpent in Genesis 3 (Part 1)
Genesis 3:1 introduces a new character into the Eden narrative and signals a shift in the plot. He is introduced as “the serpent.” Initially, the reader may picture nothing more than a legless reptile (suborder: serpentes). The Hebrew term נחש is generally used to refer to a type of a reptile, usually a legless reptile such as a snake (Num 21:6; Deut 8:15; Ps 58:4; Prov 23:32; Isa 65:25; Jer 8:17; Amos 5:19; Mic 7:17). But additional information in the account suggests that this entity is more than a mere snake. This creature talks with the humans and entices them to sin (3:1–5).
The Angel of the Bottomless Pit: Challenging Our Comfortable Worldview, Part 2
Read Part 1.
4. The smoke from the pit darkens an already darkened sun.
When I say “an already darkened sun” I do so because of Revelation 8:12:
Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.
The Angel of the Bottomless Pit: Challenging Our Comfortable Worldview
There are some Bible passages that pose peculiar challenges to interpreters. These passages confront us with revelations of weirdness. We are faced with accepting and exploring this weird side of Scripture, or else with smoothing it over, perhaps by not actually dealing with it, but instead just pretending it is obscure, and on that basis, moving on. Episodes that qualify to be on the list of weird passages would include Genesis 6:1-4 and Joshua 10:11-14, but many could be added.