Pew: What Americans Know About Religion


U.S. adults generally can answer basic questions about the Bible and Christianity, but are less familiar with other world religions” - Pew


Virtue and Vice in an Age of Addiction


“ ‘Accessibility, affordability, advertising, anonymity, and anomie, the five cylinders of the engine of mass addiction,’ writes David T. Courtwright in his new, one might say compulsively readable book about bad habits becoming big business, The Age of Addiction.” - The American Conservative


Despite the celebs and the big money, Americans are trending pro-life


According to, “pro-choice abortion-policy organizations outspend pro-life ones, by anywhere from 20% to 900%, nearly every year, going back to 1990 … for example, in 2018, pro-life groups put a total of $4.8 million toward independent spending and campaign contributions at the state and federal level … pro-choice groups spent $50.7 million.” - Was


Gallup: Confidence in Organized Religion at All-time Low in the U.S.


“Americans’ confidence in the church or organized religion continues to erode, with 36% now saying they have ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in organized religion, establishing another new low point in Gallup’s trend.” - Gallup


Almighty science? We’ve given it far too much reverence


“Theologians and ethicists, playwrights and lyricists, therapists and politicians, historians and pundits—like everyone else in society—all could have their say. But more and more, each would have to face up ultimately to the supposed precision of the scientist, who among them all seems to have a lock on reality, or at least on the tools for discovering reality.” - WORLD


Report: Young adults less LGBT tolerant


“The Accelerating Acceptance report, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the LGBT advocacy group GLAAD, showed that respondents age 18-34 were much less tolerant of LGBT people than in the prior two years’ surveys.” - BPNews


The Age of Pelagius


“For decades now our politics and culture have been dominated by a particular philosophy of freedom. It is a philosophy of liberation from family and tradition, of escape from God and community… a philosophy that has defined our age, though it is far from new.
