Why Is the SBC Membership Declining?


“among people born in the 1980s, over 40 percent expressed a great deal of confidence in organized religion when they were coming into adulthood…. Now less than 20 percent of these birth cohorts think they can trust organized religion.” - TGC


4 Cultural Realities Ministry Leaders Must Be Prepared For


“1. The trajectory of Tocqueville… ‘expressive individualism’….2. The segmentation of the body from the soul…. 3. The perception that historical Christianity is bigoted…. 4. The omni-channel reality… the implications of technology” - Eric Geiger


PRRI research: LGBTQ Americans Tend to Be Younger and Have No Religion


“PRRI’s researchers found that about 10% of Americans overall — almost half (46%) of them under the age of 30 — identify as LGBTQ: 3% as gay or lesbian, 4% as bisexual and 2% as something else. Nearly one-quarter of Americans under 30 identify as LGBTQ (23%).” - C.Leaders
