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Greg Laurie shares Gospel message, discusses afterlife with Jordan Peterson: 'Heaven is for forgiven people'

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“Pastor Greg Laurie recently offered a clear presentation of the Gospel and the hope of Heaven to psychologist Jordan Peterson in a wide-ranging conversation addressing faith, personal loss and the universal search for purpose.” - CPost

Always for All Things

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By C.H. Spurgeon

Sermon No. 1094, delivered on Lord’s-Day morning, February 2, 1873, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20.

From a Brave New World to Artificial Intelligence: Are We Living in the Future We Feared?

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“This topic is … likely to become more of a pressing question as technology advances further. It is of interest not only to people who are directly involved in AI research but also to mathematicians and scientists in other disciplines whose work and outlook are increasingly influenced by it.” - Challies

“I Pray for an Apology from Leaders or Institutions in KJV-Onlyism”

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“One of my life’s long-term prayers is that someone of stature within KJV-Only circles will publicly apologize for promoting false doctrine.” - Mark Ward

For Richer, for Poorer: How to Steward Money in Marriage

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“Using the word makarios, which means ‘happy-making,’ Jesus said, ‘There is more happiness in giving than in receiving’ (Acts 20:35 GNT). Nanci and I found that happiness, not duty, permeates a God-honoring theology of money.” - Randy Alcorn

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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“Trump’s cabinet is shaping up to be deeply loyal—and deeply reckless.” - Persuasion

Relaunching BJU Seminary’s Podcast and Blog as a Real-Life Resource for Pastors

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“As part of our 500x5x5 Strategic Vision, BJU Seminary is relaunching our Theologically Speaking podcast and Viewpoint blog as resources for pastors confronting massive drifts both in doctrine and practice in their congregations.” - BJU Seminary

More Than Doing: Categories for Applying God’s Word

Micah Colbert ⁃

Read Part 2.

What Am I Supposed to Do with This?

“Why is our time in God’s Word not as life-transformative as it should be?”

Pew: “About one-in-five Americans – including a much higher share of adults under 30 (37%) – say they regularly get news from influencers on social media.”

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“Slightly more news influencers explicitly identify as Republican, conservative or pro-Donald Trump (27% of news influencers) than Democratic, liberal or pro-Kamala Harris (21%).” - Pew

Trueman on the Ethics of IVF: Human Through and Through

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“While I do not deny the humanity of the child born by IVF or surrogacy, the procedures do. The child in the womb is treated not as a person but as a thing, not as a subject but as an object, not as intrinsically valuable but as having value only as instrumental to some other end.” - Carl Trueman

Tony Campolo, sociologist and famed Red Letter Christian, has died

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“Known as a powerful evangelist and social justice preacher, Campolo had long advocated that Christian faith can transform the world — and people’s everyday lives.” - RNS

Related: Tony Campolo (1935-2024): The red letter Christian who provoked the Church to action - Premier Christianity

Former Vice President Mike Pence Urges Conservatives To Resist the ‘Siren Song of Populism’

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“[C]onservatives in America are struggling with an essential question… whether we will continue on the path of the traditional conservative agenda that has defined our party and, in so many ways, our nation throughout our history… or whether our party will follow the siren song of populism unmoored to conservative principles.” - C.Leaders

Investing in the Future: Helping Others Take Their Next Step in Serving Christ

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“God has graciously allowed us to mentor, support, and send out several men…. Their stories are a testament to what God can do when a church is committed to investing in individuals, encouraging them, and walking with them as they step into the ministries God has called them to.” - GARBC

‘Polyworking’—A New Term for a Very Bad (and Old) Thing

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“When I was still teaching at a state university in Georgia, one of the most alarming developments I noticed was the rise in the number of overwhelmed and exhausted students who were trying to balance multiple low-paying, part-time jobs just to make ends meet.” - IFWE

Holding Pastors Accountable

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“[T]he Lawson case reveals that the problem was deeper. Steve Lawson was not actually the pastor of the church where he was the lead preacher. He was not an elder at Trinity or even a member of the church!” - P&D

What Does Untainted Leadership Look Like?

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“Adam became a leader, or a steward, because God made him one. God is still the One who gives leadership to people ‘since there is no authority except from God’ (Romans 13:1). Leadership before it was tainted consisted of watching over and working.” - Eric Geiger

The Simplicity of Biblical Parenting

Aaron Blumer ⁃

From the archives…

Christian parenting experts often seem unable to see the forest for the trees. Whether it’s “grace based,” “gospel centered,” “heart focused,” or some other phrase du jour, many seem to begin with a lofty concept about what the Bible ought to teach about parenting then go to Scripture and—surprise!—find it there.

As a result, we have constantly clashing emphases—to the everlasting frustration of parents, who just want to know what God expects of them and how to perform those tasks more effectively.

Ten Non-Negotiable Rules for Child Safety in Churches

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“Child security is one of the most important discipleship issues in the church. We must create robust security measures in our churches, making our campuses internally safe for children, so they can grow to spiritual maturity and become equipped to confront the dangers of evil in the world.” - Sam Rainer

The Restlessness of the “Spiritual but Not Religious”

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“According to a recent article in Psychology Today, those who describe themselves as ‘spiritual but not religious,’ which is over one in five Americans, are at higher risk of mental illness compared to the religious and the non-religious.” - Breakpoint

American Council of Christian Churches: Resolution on Video Games

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“The video game industry especially fosters this by creating addictive virtual worlds, oftentimes filled with occultism, profanity, sensuality, triviality, and lurid violence. Gamers are rewarded for their distractibility, recklessness, greediness, and perversity, and they are encouraged to think of themselves as heroes for conquering fake substitute realities in a short period of time.” - ACCC

Mere Misattribution? Why We Misquote C.S. Lewis

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“Other false Lewis quotes can even make him appear to put forth theologically disputable claims, like this quote, referenced by big-name leaders and cycled with regularity: ‘You do not have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.’” - Christianity Today

Kept through Faith: Eternal Security in 1 Peter 1:1-9

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“”Eternal security is one secondary issue—an issue which sincere followers of Christ debate—that has presented significant challenges for many congregants in the pews.” - P&D

Loneliness stemmed by Bible study, forgiveness, church attendance, ABS study says

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“Among churchgoers, only 12 percent of those who attend church weekly report high levels of loneliness, compared to 25 percent of those who never attend.” - Baptist Press

Is it morally right to deport millions of people?

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“Superficially, deporting 11 million illegal immigrants is justified. It is the law, and the government is ordained to uphold the law. Case closed? Maybe not.” - WORLD

A Word About Proof-Texts

Paul Henebury ⁃

When one is associating a belief with the text of Scripture it is never wise to choose texts from obscure, debated or overly figurative portions of the Bible. Why go to a vision of Zechariah when you can go to an epistle of Paul for the same doctrine?

When tying a doctrine concerning the Church to Scripture we find good men like F. Turretin running to the song of Solomon. Surely it is unwise to appeal to the Song of Solomon, since the assumption that the Song is actually speaking about the Church is a decided long shot.

Say No to Retirement & Yes to Redirection

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“It is God’s call on our lives—our whole lives—that makes me see the idea of retirement as a myth. Now more than ever, I believe we are in a time where we are being stirred to action to use the gifts God has placed in us, no matter what stage of life we are in.” - IFWE

A Surprising Generational Rift in the Christian Reformed Church

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“A disproportionate number of delegates who were fairly young or new to the denomination successfully passed the statement codifying a traditional Christian view of human sexuality.” - Public Discourse

Don’t Assume the Pastor’s Wife Will Lead the Women’s Ministry

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“The church must avoid assigning the pastor’s wife to ministry roles God may not have called her to, gifted her for, or directed her to do.” - Lifeway

Is the Golden Age of Social Media Over?

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“If every app looks like every other app, where’s the allure? This shift away from uniqueness signals that social media, once a playground for individuality, is now just a playground for profit.” - Relevant

In Mike Huckabee, Israel will have a longtime friend and true believer as ambassador

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“The former Arkansas governor and pastor-turned-Fox News host has been a supporter of Israel since his first visit in the 1970s. He sees the growth of Israel as a sign that biblical prophecies are true.” - RNS