“After the Prop 8 fiasco, church leaders converted to a strategy of compromise on LGBTQ rights, at least in the public square” - RNS
How opposition to Prop 8 in 2008 led Latter-day Saints to back Senate’s same-sex marriage bill
Samaritan’s Purse Gives Away 200 Millionth Christmas Shoebox
“’I just remember being so excited about this gift because that was the first gift that I had ever received in my life,’ she said.” - CToday
U.S. Religion Census: Nondenominational is now bigger than Southern Baptist or United Methodist
“USRC said the SBC registered 17,649,040 adherents and had the largest number of congregations among all denominations…. with nearly 5,000 more congregations identifying as nondenominational, Christian adherents in the group swelled to 21,095,641.” - CPost
Also: Nondenominational’ Is Now the Largest Segment of American Protestants - CToday
Helping Churches Feel Safe
Editor’s note: This article is Reposted from FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, November 2022, and is written with law enforcement readers in mind. It is reproduced here because much of the information is also of use to church leaders evaluating their security arrangements.
By Royce Stephens
Trends in Sexual Activity Among Religious Teens
“Solid research has shown that sexual activity among teens has been declining since 1988…. none of these studies have focused on specific religious groups. This important gap …led me to research this issue on my own.” - IFS
What the Bible Says to the Jaded and Discouraged
“Christmas season is the season of joy, but it is also a time when the cumulative weight of all that has happened in the course of the year catches up with you. Moving into the last month of the year often causes a sense of being worn out, discouraged, or stretched thin.” - Colin Smith
American Church, Don't Listen to Eric Metaxas - A Review of ‘Letter to the American Church’
“While Metaxas often acknowledges the influence of the ‘great Charles Colson’ (6, 43), he seems to reject the counsel of Colson, who wrote, ‘If we have learned anything in recent decades, it is that we should not roll out heavy-handed political movements that recklessly toss around God-and-country clichés and scare off our secular neighbors.’” - TGC
Baptists, Slavery, and the Road to Civil War
“Just as Baptists disagreed on seemingly everything else, they did not view slavery in precisely the same way — even in South Carolina.” - London Lyceum
Pew: About six-in-ten Americans say legalization of same-sex marriage is good for society
“Views of the impact of same-sex marriage on society are largely unchanged since 2019. However, there has been a dramatic increase in public support for same-sex marriage over the past two decades.” - Pew
Should We Cancel Luther and Calvin?
“The Reformers believed in burning heretics. Making sense of that grave mistake means looking first at ourselves.” - N.T. Wright at CToday
Unstable World, Stable God, Part 1: It’s True
“A lot of people are bewildered, scared, frustrated about all this change… The Scripture doesn’t ignore this problem, and it doesn’t try to ‘pep talk’ us out of our distress with platitudes. But it does offer two truths that can stabilize us despite the instability of our world.” - Olinger
Eastern Univ dropped ban on LGBTQ faculty: Council for Christian Colleges and Universities membership suspended
“The CCCU does not allow member schools that hire married gay faculty members and requires policies upholding traditional Christian marriage between a man and a woman.” - RNS
SBC's Unify Project set to launch with widespread participation
The project is “a Gospel-centered, ethnically diverse racial reconciliation ministry designed to mobilize Southern Baptist pastors and leaders in unifying their communities” expected to launch today. - BPNews
Gen Z Evangelicals Vote More than Millennials or Gen X Did
“Franklin was part of the estimated 27 percent of Gen Z that voted in the midterm election—a notably higher turnout rate than millennials and Gen Xers when they were between the ages of 18 and 29.” - CToday
What Should ‘Equipping’ Christians Look Like?
A quick survey reveals four basic approaches to the topic, most of which affirm the general teaching of the New Testament. The Generic Approach…The Business Approach…The Psychological Approach…The Pragmatic Approach” - 9 Marks
Leibniz: A Remarkable Thinker Guided by God’s Authority
“November 14, marks the 306th anniversary of the death of Gottfried von Leibniz, a German polymath, committed Lutheran, and one of the most wide-ranging intellects in all of history.” - Breakpoint
The failed promise of Bitcoin
“Bitcoin has no underlying value in itself. People talk about “investing in Bitcoin” as though it is a company with a profitable business to support its value or a commodity such as oil which is supported by demand for energy. Bitcoin has neither of those features. Its scarcity is purely contrived.” - World
Does education ‘cure’ people of faith? The data says no
“Despite a long-standing biased assumption among many that the uneducated cling to religion, studies show people with higher degrees are most likely to be religious.” - RNS
Are the horsemen of Zechariah related to the horsemen of Revelation?
In Zechariah 1:7-17, we are introduced to four horsemen, and we see something very similar in Revelation 6:1-8 (aka, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”). How do you think they are related? Your BRIEF comments are welcome.
Poll Results
Are the horsemen of Zechariah related to the horsemen of Revelation?
Pornography: A Spiritual Pandemic
“One of the books I require the seminary men to read … is More Than a Battle: How to Experience Victory, Freedom, and Healing from Lust by our school’s president, Dr. Joe Rigney. The wise advice in that book is a gift for … those who are struggling with pornography and those who want to help.” - Andy Naselli
“Like a Weaned Child”: Trusting God When Life Hurts (Part 1)
Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? For example, what do we say when a Christian mother backs the car over the top of her little toddler crushing him to death? When a Christian man discovers he has brain cancer and must soon leave his three young children without a father? When a hurricane destroys the homes and disrupts the lives not only of unbelievers but also of believers? Perhaps you’ve asked that question while undergoing personal trial or tragedy. You’ve lost a loved one or gone through a heart-rending divorce or contracted a chronic illness or been betrayed by a Christian friend. The Lord has dealt bitterly with you, as He did with Naomi, and you desperately want to know “Why?”
Is the age of social media ending? Some argue yes, and good riddance.
“It’s never felt more plausible that the age of social media might end—and soon. Now that we’ve washed up on this unexpected shore, we can look back at the shipwreck that left us here with fresh eyes. Perhaps we can find some relief” - The Atlantic
How Idolatry Works
“We always obey that which we desire the most. When we desire something more than we desire God, we will obey that something if ever and whenever we are faced with a choice to obey God or to obey it.” - Scott Sauls
How Creation Informs Our Economics
“Dr. Anne Bradley recently presented the first of two webinar sessions in a series called ‘The Christian Economic Model,’ … Her talk kicked off a two-part series exploring what scripture says about economics.” - IFWE
Who Decides What Books Your Child Should Read?
“The fight over ‘book banning’ and who has the final word in a child’s education has taken some nasty turns of late. Everyone needs to take a step back and put the debate into some commonsense context.” - Acton
Are Complementarian Preachers Just Mansplaining?
“It’s easy to see how complementarian churches could be accused of mansplaining. Generally speaking, complementarians seek to obey the plain meaning of 1 Timothy 2:12, which forbids a woman from teaching a man in the context of congregational worship.” - TGC
5 Facts to Know About Veterans Day
“Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace – dead or alive – though it’s mostly intended to thank living veterans for their service.” - C&C
Is anarcho-capitalism a “third way” to think about politics, economics, and social policy?
“I asked Dr. Murphy to explain some basic arguments for anarcho-capitalism, the extent of American distrust in the current two-party system, and the current state and strategy of the libertarian movement.” - Acton