UPDATE: Neal Jackson Pastor, Lloyd Streeter Co-Pastor of Campus Church

SI has obtained a copy of an official email sent to the PCC Alumni Association.

PCC Alumni Association
December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, Dr. Horton made the following announcement to the Campus Church.
We know that you as a congregation have faithfully prayed, during the past seven months, trusting God to provide a godly, Spirit-filled pastor for the Campus Church. Through the Lord’s wonderful mercy and goodness to us, I am happy to officially tell you that God has answered the prayers of our church family and our students.
Dr. Neal Jackson has accepted the invitation to be the pastor of the Campus Church. He is a 1993 graduate of Pensacola Christian College and received a PCC Master in Bible Exposition in 1994. He co-pastors with his father at Belmont Baptist Church in Conyers, Georgia.
He is the son and the grandson of Baptist preachers. His father, Pastor Nolan L. Jackson, Sr., has pastored Belmont Baptist Church for twenty-nine years. His grandfather, Evangelist Maze Jackson of Decatur, GA, spent a lifetime in preaching. From his father and grandfather, Dr. Jackson learned the importance of serving Christ with all his heart and ministering the Word of God. He grew up in a family where faith in Jesus Christ was demonstrated and modeled in every area of life and in God’s ministry.
His wife, Tracy, graduated in 1993 from PCC with a major in graphic design. They have three children.
The Lord has doubly answered our prayers to bless this ministry and I am happy to announce that God has led Dr. Lloyd Streeter to accept the invitation to become Co-pastor of the Campus Church. Dr. Streeter has pastored thirty years at the First Baptist Church of LaSalle, Illinois. He has frequently spoken at the Campus Church and also at our Enrichment Conference and Bible Conference. Dr. Streeter had already planned to retire from his church in May and move south and do some preaching as God opened doors. Dr. Streeter started a Christian school in his church twenty-nine years ago, and has taught high school Bible. His wife, Karen, served as school principal twelve years. A PCC graduate has now come to serve as principal. Dr. and Mrs. Streeter have three grown children and seven grandchildren.
Dr. Streeter will preach one Sunday a month until May, and then assume his Co-pastor responsibility in Fall 2007. As Co-pastor, his primary responsibility will be preaching in the Campus Church along with Seminary and College chapels.
We are planning an installation service for both of them at the Sunday evening service January 14. After which will be a church reception to welcome both Dr. Jackson and Dr. Streeter and their wives. Dr. Jackson will begin his responsibilities January 21. We are thrilled that God has called these men to pastor the Campus Church.
Today, in three different churches - Belmont Baptist Church in Conyers, Georgia, and First Baptist Church in LaSalle, Illinois, and here at the Campus Church, this announcement is officially and publicly being made.
We ask you to pray for them as they join this ministry in the Campus Church.