Are we destined to lose the abortion battle in the U.S.?

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Although the Supreme Court ruling turned the issue of abortion back to the states, the pushback has been great. As a matter of fact, popular opinion is now in favor of allowing abortion, and there is a movement to make it a guaranteed right. But even without new laws, the abortion pill is available for women even in states where abortion is illegal.

One wonders if we are seeing an unintended effect. With Prohibition, drinking alcohol became more popular than ever, and, when it was over, Americans consumed more alcohol than ever. This law of the unintended effect makes the original problem worse.

Crisis pregnancy centers make a difference for some, PTL. But is America destined to be like many European countries, where people have a casual attitude toward the subject.

What is your opinion on the matter.

Are we destined to have legal abortion in all 50 states?

Yes, it will inevitably go there. We are in the process of losing.
67% (2 votes)
Probably it will go there.
33% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
Probably not. We will keep the status quo.
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 3


If Pro-Lifers continue the same strategy, it will probably become legal in all 50 states. I've seen a number of recent studies that between 60% to 76% of women who had an abortion preferred to have kept the baby but felt they couldn't afford to keep it. The lack of affordable health care, affordable housing, and increased inflation, etc... has played a significant role in shaping popular opinion in becoming pro-choice in the last half-decade. And Pro-lifers are being unfairly pigeon-holed as being only pro-birth.

Either churches, faith-based non-profits, crisis pregnancy centers, etc.. need to do more with these issues so that woman believe they can keep their baby to term, or allow the government to do more. I'd prefer to keep it more non-government intervention. But either way, those committed to being Pro-life will need to demonstrate a more whole-life pro-life perspective for public opinion to change.