Russian American Pastors Combat Propaganda in Their Churches
“Tensions are surfacing among Slavic communities in the US, which have ties to both sides of the war in Ukraine.” - C.Today
Sounds a lot like what American pastors are having to do.
There are similarities.
I can only imagine what it must be like, though, to have Russians in the pew next to Ukrainians right now.
It’s another example of why we have to be laying down strong, clear, well-applied theology all the time. When a crisis hits—whether a war or a sudden dramatic cultural shift—it’s a bit late. Maybe not “too” late, but people are a lot less teachable when they’ve already got an emotionally charged commitment to a specific position in a controversy.
So teachers, disciplers, parents, etc.: part of our job is to imagine what might be next and help Christians get rooted properly now to deal with it. Things like metaverse, transhumanism, genetic engineering are on the horizon, and we’re having a hard time with simple things like whether it’s ethical to back incumbents who try to steal elections.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
….is that most of the Russian immigrants I’ve met in this country more or less fled the government. Not much love for Putin there. It’s far more prevalent to hear people who were born here get “taken in” by pro-Russian propaganda, things like assuming that efforts to destroy bioweapons are in fact efforts to create them, assuming that the presence of a few hundred ultranationalists justifies an invasion of a nation of many millions, and the like.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
of the “Slavic” churches are Evangelical Christian Baptists. The ones I have attended over the last 30 years are a mixture of the different nationalities from the old USSR. Though Russian is the language used in the church. The congregations I’ve been the most involved with are affiliated with what was the unregistered/underground movement.
Hoping to shed more light than heat..