Two Proposed Revisions to The Baptist Faith and Message
A few thoughts on the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.…
David R. Brumbelow
The 1833 NHCF is my favorite short confession of faith. It is the grandfather of the GARBC Articles of Faith and the BFM!
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
Isn’t there tension between keeping a statement of faith brief or turning it into a systematic theology?
Not sure if you are responding to me but the fatherhood stuff is just basic orthodoxy. Seems worthwhile to me.
I think the New Hampshire came out of the 1689 London, so a great history there.
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[josh p]Not sure if you are responding to me but the fatherhood stuff is just basic orthodoxy. Seems worthwhile to me.
No, I was not responding to any post. I had in mind working on my own statement of faith for ordination, and then revising our church’s doctrinal statement. I felt a tension between declaring succinctly what I/we believe on the main things, yet feeling at every point that I needed to add a sentence or two about this, or a paragraph about that. At the rate I was going, I would have produced a small book.