Have you ever known someone you were convinced was strongly demonically influenced/ possessed?

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The term “possession” is not really in the original language of Scripture. The word “demonized” is. So the idae of possession is to be demonically influenced (strongly) or even controlled.

Most of us probably believe that a demon can control a lost person under certain conditions.

We might disagree as to how much influence a demon can have on a believer, but most of us believe in the idea that we are under attack, at times, by the powers of darkness.

Thw world, the flesh, and the devil resemble a military alliance of evil forces against the Kingdom of God. The flesh (our sinful nature) is capable of much evil. It is easy to attribute such evil to the devil. Yet he tempts us via our fleshly nature. This dynamic is typical.

But possesion/strong influence suggests the evil one has an extra level of control in a person’s life, thoughts, and behavior.

So this poll is about our subjective observation.

Have you ever known someone you thought was demon possessed? If so, repeatedly?

Your comments are welcome.

Poll Results

Have you ever known someone you were convinced was strongly demonically influenced/ possessed?

Yes, I have often met or known people who are demonically influenced/possessed. Votes: 0
Yes, I have occasionally dealt with or known such people. Votes: 2
Yes, rarely. Votes: 9
Not sure. Votes: 4
No, not that I have noticed. Votes: 2
Other Votes: 1
I believe that Satan is bound and that no one today is demonized. Votes: 0
I believe that Satan’s kingdom is being bound and fewer people are demonized. Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


Went for not sure. Having decided that demonic influence would not have to look like it does in the Gospels, and having met some people with a darkness that is very hard to understand…. I’m more open than I used to be the idea that I may have seen this.

We wouldn’t necessarily know it.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

I ran into a situation a long time ago, and it’s very hard to describe because there were a bunch of things I sensed but there was nothing material or tangible about it. I had approached a single mom who was dropping off her kid, and when I got about two feet away, it was like I’d walked into a very cold mist. It was an almost tangible darkness that completely surrounded her. There was no warmth or light or joy in this person’s demeanor at all, there was no interest in the church, or anyone else there. It was just….dark and empty. She left and we never saw her again at all, even though we followed up to see if the child would be back for the AWANA program. I mentioned it to someone else and they mentioned that they’d gotten a similar vibe when they’d tried to talk with her.

It was the weirdest and most uncomfortable thing I’ve probably ever dealt with. That was the only time I experienced anything like that, and it’s nothing I’d be anxious to repeat again.

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin is...no longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells