Underlying reasons and Visceral reactions of Baptists on Baptism

Here are some of mine in no particular order:
We are not sacralists,
“By the word sacral, … , we mean ‘bound together by a common religious loyalty.’ By sacral society, we mean society held together by a religion to which all members of that society are committed.” Verduin, Reformers and Their Stepchildren, p. 22
Pre and post Constantine European society, in the East and West, was sacralist. The only change being what was worshiped in the city square. Not much on the Continent changed for close to four hundred years after Luther’s 95 Theses. In fact, Baptists were still being jailed in Lutheran Sweden well into the 19th century. Credo-Baptists in Great Britain gained toleration in the mid-18th century. Sacralists viewed the rejection of infant baptism as rejection of as treason to the State. The New England Puritan (Mass and Conn.) theocracy had good reasons for not allowing Baptists entry. [check out the Holmes affair:
The label - “Covenant Children” is a null term for us. We view our children as a providential blessing from God. We do not believe by being born into a Christian home puts them any closer to salvation than their counterpart in the crib next to them in the hospital nursery. [I think this an accurate representation of our position.:
We have the sneaking suspicion infant baptism and its use as prima facia evidence of standing as a Christian for church membership gave Satan the door to spread Modernism in the 19th century. The New England Puritans saw the same problem with their Half Way Covenant. Yes, there was\is the confirmation process. But, that presumes the person being confirmed is a Christian (please see the Sacralist paragraph).
We are saying there are actually Biblical, theological and practical reasons as to why Baptism by immersion is precious and even a functional absolute as far as our denominational loyalties go. This does not mean we cannot appreciate and might not even be able to enjoy a meaningful if not limited koinonia in some context with our paedobaptist friends.
