Mourning the Death of a Church sifilings Sun, 03/16/14 8:29 pm Church & Ministry Church Closings Mourning the Death of a Church - How our congregation found resurrection and hope at the end of its life. 26 views Discussion Donn R Arms Sun, 03/16/14 2:13 pm Rejoice! Instead of mourning there should be rejoicing at the closure of liberal churches like this one. Perhaps, in their search for a new church, several church members will wander into a real church and finally hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Donn R Arms Related . . . Topics: Church Closings, Church Administration Finishing Well: Closing a Church with Integrity and Hope Six Types of Churches That Have Died During the Pandemic Will COVID-19 see 2,500 SBC churches close over the next twelve months? (not likely) Dying churches merging with megachurches a growing trend, some oppose 'drastic change' Between 6,000 And 10,000 Churches In The U.S. Are Dying Each Year” – And That Means That Over 100 Will Die This Week Pagination 1 Next page It is honorable for a man to stop striving, Since any fool can start a quarrel.(NKJV, Proverbs 20:3)
Donn R Arms Sun, 03/16/14 2:13 pm Rejoice! Instead of mourning there should be rejoicing at the closure of liberal churches like this one. Perhaps, in their search for a new church, several church members will wander into a real church and finally hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Donn R Arms Related . . . Topics: Church Closings, Church Administration Finishing Well: Closing a Church with Integrity and Hope Six Types of Churches That Have Died During the Pandemic Will COVID-19 see 2,500 SBC churches close over the next twelve months? (not likely) Dying churches merging with megachurches a growing trend, some oppose 'drastic change' Between 6,000 And 10,000 Churches In The U.S. Are Dying Each Year” – And That Means That Over 100 Will Die This Week Pagination 1 Next page It is honorable for a man to stop striving, Since any fool can start a quarrel.(NKJV, Proverbs 20:3)