"The government is ill equipped to meet the real needs that exist in our communities that must be met by compassionate and committed Christians and churches"

Actually, Tom (I speak directly but not presuming he is reading this but let’s hope he doesn’t still wear his tie at half mast…oh well, inside joke) the times Jesus met the physical needs were quite exceptional in comparison to all of his works and always such contexts had much more than a “bait and switch” idea in mind. Yes, people do respond to real compassion but, as the bible teaches, it is the enlightenment of God’s Spirit that convinces men, not food in their belly.

And, in fact, I once personally once denied a man his physical need in order to get his attention and awareness of his gospel need, a context in which he subsequently believed. This formula, this popular formula extracted from the Scriptures, I believe, needs a modern investigation to understand and appreciate its proper historical and theological use. Tom Messer is not a theologically forced Pastor (yet this is what a Pastor should strive for always) but much more a caretaker in his ministry, so this expression of his and willingness to exchange affinities with Warren is not surprising.