Arizona Memorial

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Watching the memorial. They allow a man to promote Native American religious views, but people get all upset over the Ten commandments being displayed? Oh come on! Ppl are afraid of Christianity.

This greatly upsets me. People need to stand for the truth and stand against this man, and those that promote these false religious views. The best books I can think of pertaining to apologetics, discernment, and fighting the false teachers are below.

The Jesus you Cant Ignore- Author tells you what Jesus would do, and how Jesus would respond to false teachers. This book filled me up with passion for the truth and hate towards false religions. No serious christian would avoid this book. How can a serious Christian not be filled with passion for the truth and hate towards false religions that deceive people and lead them to the fire?

Who are you to Judge- Author teaches Biblical discernment which is so needed in a day because so many Christians lack it. This is the best book on Biblical Discernment.

Regarding Apologetics Walter Martin has written the best so check out his books.

