"In reality, the Creation Museum is all about the authority of the Bible"

AiG responds to “gross misrepresentation” of Creation Museum


Unless you announce to all and sundry that you are not a Christian or are pro-evolution, how would anyone at the Creation Museum know who to be ‘rude’ to?

From the last time I visited, I think AiG’s assessment that they are “In reality, the Creation Museum is all about the authority of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and that’s what guests learn as they take their ‘walk-through history’ according to the Scriptures,” is fair and accurate. They definitely did not have any displays addressing homosexuality or same-sex marriage.

I just visited the Museum a couple of months ago, and I have to agree with Susan. I’d say that this opposition is not really opposition to the museum or AiG, but is in the same vein as all secular opposition to the authority of God and the Bible.

Faith is obeying when you can't even imagine how things might turn out right.