Catholic parishioners meeting at a baptist church? Did someone go crazy?

No, it’s not a typo: Baptists to hold Catholic meeting Click through for picture of the church sign


Most evangelicals have had the position that Roman Catholicism is a legitimate expression of Christianity for decades. (Billy Graham is one of the leading figures responsible for this.) Even those who disagree won’t come out against Catholicism in the way that they would, say, Islam or Mormonism. And even Mormonism … would Liberty University have invited Glenn Beck if he were Mormon? Of course not! He stated “”I can’t help but notice the deep emotion they are going through,”he said. “Theologically, we are all Christians and we don’t want any of them to stray.” That is not a position of a liberal (or “moderate”) Baptist who believes in many paths to heaven and react with people leaving Christianity with a shrug because they don’t believe that there are negative eternal consequences associated with leaving the faith, so there is no reason to lift a finger to prevent it from happening. Instead, it is someone on the conservative end of the theological spectrum who is says “we don’t want any of them to stray.”

This is the result of a person who believes that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven who also believes that it is basically OK to pray to Mary and the saints.

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura