John Whitehead on Westboro Baptist Church's protests at military funerals

Snyder v. Phelps: Will Misguided Patriotism Destroy Free Speech? If we’re not fighting to keep America free for Fred Phelps and other free speech extremists like him—if all we’re fighting for in this endless war on terror is some misguided sense of patriotism (and that’s all it really boils down to when you study these briefs in support of Snyder), then we’re fighting for the wrong thing. You might as well toss the Constitution in the trash can and usher in a military state where it will be against the law to criticize those in power. Rest assured, that’s what we will eventually be faced with if the Supreme Court does not draw a protective bright line around free speech—including speech that is politically incorrect and unpopular.


A lot of Christians disagreed with me too, because for them it was more about distancing themselves from Phelps’ false doctrines and practices than it was how this case could easily wind up harming legitimate Christian ministry. For instance, a series of rulings could come down whose real intent is to make Bible-based evangelism difficult. It would still technically be possible to try to use “values”, social issues, activism and family activities to try to draw people to church, but telling people that they are sinners would be classified as hate speech, especially if the sin in question is homosexuality. As a matter of fact, that is where I believe that the current “bullying crisis” is headed. How long before the Good News Clubs in schools are accused of “bullying”, “ostracizing people”, “creating a climate of hate and fear”, and “contributing to depression and suicide” by adhering to a Biblical line on homosexuality? And the Supreme Court ruling against that university Christian organization will only embolden such people.

That was why the Phelps’ issue seemed like a no-win situation for Christians. Defend Phelps, and you seem to endorse his false teachings. But stay silent, and it makes it easier for people to use the Phelps situation to go after legitimate Christian teachings. This is yet one more example of how Christians need to pray and let God fight our battles.

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura