"At the very least, it shows that Machen’s antithesis between Christianity and liberalism is alive and well in modern American churches."

It almost made me sick to read that paper. One, it seems that some of the people in liberal churches still hold to orthodox beliefs and have no idea that their pastors do not. It is heartbreaking to think of how these believers are suffering from spiritual malpractice because their pastors and seminaries won’t be forthright with the laity about what they truly believe. Two, the dishonesty of these pastors is sickening. Almost everyone feared giving up the ministry becasue they could not earn a living doing anything else. The shepherds of Ezekial 34 came to mind: those spiritual leaders who don’t shepherd the flock, yet they feed their own selves at the expense of those they should be serving. The liberal denominations, the liberal seminaries and liberal pastors are in alliance against the laity who seem to know very little about what is going on, and nobody wants to tell them because the denominations, which are already in decline would, would go into decline at warp speed. We need to pray that in every one of these local congregations where there is a belieiving remnant that God would raise up some godly lay people to ask the pastor some tough questions, expose the apostasy and then leave the church to find a doctrinally sound church.

2nd what JC said… and send them my way. There is much I can’t claim to be, but I can certainly claim to be a true believer.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.