Reading the Bible and Passing Time by "Napping, Praying and Snacking on Frosted Flakes and Pringles Provided to Them by Missionaries"

Interrogation Continues of Haiti Detainees

Note: This account provides names, ages of all 10 detainees.


**** Forum Director ****
I encourage readers to “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.” (Hebrews 13:3)
The detainees are:

— Laura Silsby, 40, of Meridian, Idaho, group leader, executive director and founder of an organization named New Life Children’s Refuge and member of Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho.

— Charisa Coulter, 24, of Kuna, Idaho, vice president and co-founder of New Life Children’s Refuge and member of Central Valley Baptist Church.

— Corinna Lankford, member of Central Valley Baptist Church.

— Nicole Lankford, 17, Corinna Lankford’s daughter.

— Carla Thompson, 53, missions coordinator at the Central Valley Baptist Church.

— Paul Thompson, 43, pastor of Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho.

— Silas Thompson, 19, of Twin Falls, Paul Thompson’s son.

— Steve McMullen, 56, of Eastside Baptist Church, Twin Falls.

— Drew Culberth, 34, of Topeka, Kan., a part-time youth pastor at Bethel Baptist Church.

— Jim Allen, 47, of Amarillo, Texas, of Paramount Baptist Church and cousin of Paul Thompson.