Brit Hume: faith advice for Tiger Woods

So, Brit Hume will say this about Tiger Woods but not his own employer, Rupert Murdoch, who presides over a lucrative pornography empire? Oh, but since Murdoch is a political conservative, I guess his faith doesn’t matter? Second, of all the known adulterers out there, why all the focus on Tiger Woods? Is Hume similarly concerned about the eternal fates of gangsta rappers, NBA and NFL players and so forth?

Also, this is just another example of how this “celebrity Christianity” just takes the book of James and ignores it. We are so concerned about the rich and powerful (especially when they are preachers). So a famous billionaire golfer … so many Christians are discussing how he needs to give his life to Jesus Christ. You can hardly go a day without hearing or seeing Christians speak or write on the issue. But the adulterers who are working class and underclass … them we pass by and ignore.

Well, that John Edwards post on the front page is very relevant, because the great awakening revivals didn’t come about by preaching to the rich and powerful, or even to the upper classes. Instead, they came about by preaching to the poor, working and lower classes. And one of the main issues addressed by the great awakening revivalists was rampant adultery. How quickly we forget history - and the Bible.

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura