Save the planet via population control!
The real inconvenient truth… there are powerful opponents. Leaders of the world’s big fundamentalist religions preach in favor of procreation and fiercely oppose birth control.
That would have made a great satire piece if the author was actually being satirical.
When China talks about “population control” …
As in here: Female Infanticide and] gender-selective abortion
As in here:
Population and climate change are intertwined but the population issue has remained a blind spot when countries discuss ways to mitigate climate change and slow down global warming, according to Zhao Baige, vice-minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China (NPFPC) .Often it means:
“Dealing with climate change is not simply an issue of CO2 emission reduction but a comprehensive challenge involving political, economic, social, cultural and ecological issues, and the population concern fits right into the picture,” said Zhao, who is a member of the Chinese government delegation. Female Infanticide and] gender-selective abortion
I’ve read about vaccine campaigns in women of childbearing age in third-world countries being disguised birth control. google “population control vaccines” and sites come up about it.
Yet more evidence that environmentalism is a religion.
The assumptions underlying the FP post are more chilling to me than the recommended policy: man is no more important than any “other species” on the planet. This is impossible to prove or disprove and is held by many with the same religious fervor that we hold to the deity of Christ.
(The doctrine of man-made global warming is also a tenet of this growing faith)
The assumptions underlying the FP post are more chilling to me than the recommended policy: man is no more important than any “other species” on the planet. This is impossible to prove or disprove and is held by many with the same religious fervor that we hold to the deity of Christ.
(The doctrine of man-made global warming is also a tenet of this growing faith)
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
Author of [URL=] The whole world needs to adopt China’s one-child policy[/URL] is a mother of 2
[URL=…] Noted here: What I Meant Was You People Should Only Have One Child[/URL]
[URL= Author’s blog[/URL]
[URL=…] Noted here: What I Meant Was You People Should Only Have One Child[/URL]
[URL= Author’s blog[/URL]
I got married to a Brit, Frank Francis, at 19 years of age and one year later we immigrated to Canada, or Toronto to be precise.It’s like 707 flying John Revolta getting on us about greenhouse gasses
We started a graphic design and typesetting business, Francis Graphics, which became very successful. I left the business to stay at home with our two babies, Eric and Julie, for six years.