Iron-Clad Faith?

Yesterday I noticed a scorch mark on the bottom of my pasta pan that looks remarkably like a crop circle…what do you think it could mean??? :bigsmile:

"I pray to God this day to make me an extraordinary Christian." --Whitefield

[Diane Heeney] Yesterday I noticed a scorch mark on the bottom of my pasta pan that looks remarkably like a crop circle…what do you think it could mean??? :bigsmile:
Your family ate some kind of alien dish??

It looks a lot like her. Maybe she should see if one of her daughters wants to fess up to ironing a picture of her.

If I were to mow the yard so that it looked like the face of Jesus, do you think I could profit off of it somehow? I mean, other than getting my name in the news and on websites like this? :p

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells