On doomsday film 2012: "I find all of this kind of funny. Now the dispensational prophetic sensationalists have to compete with the crazy New Agers and secular fright mongers"

Lahaye says “The date has been picked up by so many groups and cults that you have to conclude that someone or something inspired all these writers to come to essentially the same period—and that would be divination or spiritism,’ LaHaye says. ‘It’s probably satanic…”
…or maybe it’s just alot of people being stupid in the same way at the same time?

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

One of the biggest grumps I have with all this prophetic stuff (defined as endless “Prophecy Conferences,” not-quite-date picking, spending far too much time dwelling on the actual events of the end times as opposed to the far more important preparation, ie. soulwinning, encouragement of the saints, etc.) is that absolutely everything has to be “spiritualized.” All of the headlines have to fit “The Plan” and so the majority of the sermon consists of bending Scripture to allegorically fit today’s headlines. Claiming that “everyone latched on to the date so that must be satanic” is yet another example of this over-spiritualization. Someone, somewhere, had an idea that the Mayan’s “rollover” date of 12/21/12 would make a good backdrop for a disaster flick (and who doesn’t like a good disaster flick now and again?) and because it had the term “Mayan” attached to it, it piggybacked on the Western fascination with the Mayan culture, and thus became the popular date to play around with. That’s it. End of story. It’s no more satanic than deciphering stardates from Star Trek and determining when we will first meet aliens…which will be July 17, 2045, if you want to mark your calendars. ;)

[mounty]… when we will first meet aliens…which will be July 17, 2045, if you want to mark your calendars.

Bummer. I’ll be about 80 by then… probably too old for space travel.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.