"The fact that 92 percent of women who are told that their unborn child carries the high risk of Down syndrome choose to abort the baby should shock us all."
Somebody tell me how to “emote” a scream of furor!
What is WRONG with these people???
The doctor in the article has a DS sister. Does he not see the unconditional love? The compassion? The Joy? (not just in her life, but in his, also.)
Most of you know that I am the very proud father of a DS child - a daughter, who will soon turn 18. What joy! What blessings have been ours!! What an example of simple, childlike faith! How many opportunities for God to receive to Himslef GLORY for what He has done in her life!! What a testimony of God’s love.
When I hear foolishness like this, I want to *HIT* something. These people have NO CONCEPT of the TREASURE they are throwing away.
Selfish… Arrogant… Self-righteous… Condescending… They will fight tooth-and-nail to preserve some obscure subspecie of rodent, bird or reptile, but they will systematically plan the elimination of some of the most precious people God ever blessed us with. WHO GAVE THEM THE RIGHT TO PLAY GOD???
Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea…” Just my opinion. They have no idea of what they will experience when they stand before God and try to explain this to Him who is Truth, and Righteousness, and Justice, and Love.
If I could find a stronger way of expressing outrage in a Godly manner, I would. Taking the lives of humans in the womb is reprehensible. Making that choice because the child has DS… I’d better shut up now, beacuse… I just need to shut up.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him, all creatures here below!
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host!
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!!
What is WRONG with these people???
The doctor in the article has a DS sister. Does he not see the unconditional love? The compassion? The Joy? (not just in her life, but in his, also.)
Most of you know that I am the very proud father of a DS child - a daughter, who will soon turn 18. What joy! What blessings have been ours!! What an example of simple, childlike faith! How many opportunities for God to receive to Himslef GLORY for what He has done in her life!! What a testimony of God’s love.
When I hear foolishness like this, I want to *HIT* something. These people have NO CONCEPT of the TREASURE they are throwing away.
Selfish… Arrogant… Self-righteous… Condescending… They will fight tooth-and-nail to preserve some obscure subspecie of rodent, bird or reptile, but they will systematically plan the elimination of some of the most precious people God ever blessed us with. WHO GAVE THEM THE RIGHT TO PLAY GOD???
Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea…” Just my opinion. They have no idea of what they will experience when they stand before God and try to explain this to Him who is Truth, and Righteousness, and Justice, and Love.
If I could find a stronger way of expressing outrage in a Godly manner, I would. Taking the lives of humans in the womb is reprehensible. Making that choice because the child has DS… I’d better shut up now, beacuse… I just need to shut up.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him, all creatures here below!
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host!
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!!
Though I perhaps don’t think in quite as many caps as you do, viewing this from a parent’s perspective, Bro Karl, I certainly pray that the answer to the title question is “God forbid”. I babysat for a darling little DS girl, appropriately named Angel. What a sweetheart. What a gift to have had that opportunity.
"I pray to God this day to make me an extraordinary Christian." --Whitefield http://strengthfortoday.wordpress.com
We never had any of those test for our children. Just the fact that my wife was pregnant was gift enough from God. My wife had cancer a few years ago, and then after about 8 months of remission she got pregnant. We praised God for this gift. Many doctors wanted to do test and check for problems. We didn’t do any of these test because no matter how the baby came into the world health wise we would love it and care for it. That is what God would want us to do. “92 percent” is a big number, and I lay it right next to how hard our local soul winning it. No fear or respect for God is in this land and that number proves that.
Isaiah 38:20 [i]“The LORD was ready to save me: therefore we will sing my songs to the stringed instruments all the days of our life in the house of the LORD.”[/i][url=http://www.myspace.com/timothyleszczar]Tim's MySpace Music Page[/url]
[Diane Heeney] Though I perhaps don’t think in quite as many caps as you do,…
Sorry. This is one topic that *really* pushes my buttons. It has been a “hot button issue” for me for longer than I have been Katie’s dad.
We sat in a meeting at her elementary school years ago where a school district administrator told us “There is a place for kids like these.” (The Place was a school in which only handicapped students were enrolled, for primarily ocupational training, as opposed to academic education in the exceptional student program in a “typical” school.) My wife had to hold me down in the chair.
Yes, there is a place for “kids like these.” In our home(s), in our church(es), in our school(s) to the best of their capabilities.
Shutting up now. (See? No “CAPS”!:))
@Bro Tim—I agree. I was 35 for our first pregnancy, and 45 for our last…no tests.
@Bro Karl—Capitalization aside, I’m glad Katie has you for a Dad. :) (btw, our youngest is also “Katie”).
@Bro Karl—Capitalization aside, I’m glad Katie has you for a Dad. :) (btw, our youngest is also “Katie”).
"I pray to God this day to make me an extraordinary Christian." --Whitefield http://strengthfortoday.wordpress.com
[Diane Heeney] I was 35 for our first pregnancy, and 45 for our last…no tests.
Yes, but did they actually *have* those tests (or hospitals, or electricity, or running water) available when you were carrying your children out there in - where is it you live again - Wyoming? :D
(It’s a Joke! My DW would give significant body parts to live out there if only I were willing to actually expend the energy necessary to make such a move…)
This truly is selfish and wicked. While I don’t have a DS child, the Lord has given us a child with autism. We thank the Lord for Joey and the condition that God has given him. Autism has opened a new world to us and it has allowed us to see things from a completely different perspective. I would not trade it for anything!
Roger Carlson, PastorBerean Baptist Church
The last was only two years ago….but if it weren’t for being born in Jackson Hole, I’m sure we would have been using deer and antelope power (when they weren’t playing out “on the range”). ;) As for running water, we do have Yellowstone Lake and Old Faithful (hot and cold). If you ever get out here, we’ll show you around!
"I pray to God this day to make me an extraordinary Christian." --Whitefield http://strengthfortoday.wordpress.com