What was the heresy that said the human nature of Jesus pre-existed?

Help me out, folks. I had a brain lapse. What was the name of the early heresy that said the human nature of Jesus pre-existed?

Your help appreciated!



I’m not really familiar with this, Ed. Is it really what you meant to ask?

The closest thing I can think of is Origenism, in which all human souls pre-existed. Jesus’ human nature is distinct in that it was the only soul that did not to any extent grow cool in its love for God and thus drift on its own into corporeality. Instead it clung to the Word with the full flame of passion, remaining in intimate union with the Word until the two were sent together at the incarnation. So, it’s kind of an adoptionism in eternity past.

If that sounds about right, go to Google Books, look up The Westminster Handbook to Origen, and search for “Incarnate Mystery”. There is a section about 3 pages long dealing with this issue. Or you can read the whole “Christology” article, which is only a few more pages.

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Cor meum tibi offero Domine prompte et sincere. ~ John Calvin


I’m not really familiar with this, Ed. Is it really what you meant to ask?

The closest thing I can think of is Origenism, in which all human souls pre-existed. Jesus’ human nature is distinct in that it was the only soul that did not to any extent grow cool in its love for God and thus drift on its own into corporeality. Instead it clung to the Word with the full flame of passion, remaining in intimate union with the Word until the two were sent together at the incarnation. So, it’s kind of an adoptionism in eternity past.

If that sounds about right, go to Google Books, look up The Westminster Handbook to Origen, and search for “Incarnate Mystery”. There is a section about 3 pages long dealing with this issue. Or you can read the whole “Christology” article, which is only a few more pages.

No,Charlie, that is not what I meant at all. It is a heresy that may be part of another heresy, but it is the idea that the actual humanity of Jesus was either pre-existent or eternal. It came up years ago on SI, though I could not find it when searching.

At the time, I was debating a fellow who believed Jesus Christ always existed, and I said that was inaccurate, the Son of God has always existed, but when you say Jesus Christ always existed you are including his humanity. This fellow believed the human nature of Jesus was eternal too, and then someone mentioned a heresy I had heard of —but forgotten about — that included that.

Don’t know if this jars your memory or not.

Thanks either way, brother.

"The Midrash Detective"