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I recently finished the book “Set Apart” by Hughes. Is my review accurate?

This book should be required reading for all Christians. Sadly with less than 10 reviews here on amazon, many have chosen to ignore this topic. Hughes makes a great case for practicing and applying Biblical separation from worldliness. Unfortunately he does not address ecclesiastical separation, nor separation from false teachers. The Book title leads the reader to believe that he is speaking about ecclesiastical separation, but the book is mostly written for the individual christian. To get a better read on ecclesiastical separation please refer to the books “The Dividing Line” and “Promise Unfulfilled.” Regardless Hughes makes a strong case for the Christian to practice separation and not to conform to the pattern of this world (Rm 12:2, NIV). Some of the topics include Materialism, Hedonism, Viewing Sensuality, Violence and Voyeurism, Sexual Conduct, Modesty, Pluralism, Marriage, and The Church and the Lords Day.

I probably got the most out of the chapters on Materialism, Hedonism, and the Church and the Lords Day. The Church on the Lords Day I will speak of as I personally know of some christians who believe its okay not to attend church, to have a church service by themselves in the mountains, to have a church service in front of the TV, etc.. All these excuses not to attend and take part in the Lords day are wrong and unbiblical. As Pilgrims in an unholy land we are to set apart a day of worship. We are also not to create church service to attract consumers and seekers, but to create a worship service that honors the savior and risen Lord. The major downfall of the seeker friendly movement is their consumeristic and pragmatistic view of worship. Hughes argues from scripture and rebuffs those that think of the LORDS day as something else. Sadly many that disagree will not even read this book, as they are more interested in itching their deaf ears than obeying the Bible. Overall a great book, go buy yourself a copy.
