Molinism - Middle Knowledge ...

I’m trying to get a better understanding of Middle Knowledge …..

I’ve read several articles on both sides of the issue, and wondering if Middle Knowledge is really Biblical …

Does anyone have a good grasp of this issue, and whether or not there are serious problems with Middle Knowledge?


I would refer you to Paul Helm’s website on the subject. I think his work on the MK is excellent. If you have Turretin, read his treatment of the subject located in Volume I, pages 212-218. MK is the invention of men who believe that denial of libertarian freedom destroys the dignity of man and impugns the character of God. In other words, it is the attempt to harmonize predestination with freedom. A good understanding of the knowledge of God can be had in Turretin, Bavinck, and/or Shedd. This, along with reading Helm on the subject should at least give you a good understanding of the issue. In short, from my perspective, it is baseless speculation with a very wrong-headed goal. Once you understand God’s decrees and his natural and free knowledge, you will see that middle knowledge is not only unnecessary, it is down right incoherent in my opinion.

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. III John 4