Maddow, Paul and BJU

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Did anyone notice that Rachel Maddow asked Rand Paul tonight if he would suppport BJU should they reinstate their non-interracial dating policy?

- Kevin Thompson


starts around 13:30 in this clip:

and if anyone thinks they can gather broad support while claiming that allowing private businesses to prohibit firearms is equivalent to allowing jim crow rules, they’re mistaken. maybe paul has enough support in the tea party segment to win the nomination, but i can’t see him winning the senate seat.

[ChrisC] maybe paul has enough support in the tea party segment to win the nomination, but i can’t see him winning the senate seat.
It’s early, but in today’s Rasmussen poll Paul is up by 25 points.

Paul is a novice and an idealist. Allow him a bit of growing room. I think he will still come out on top.

The BJU comparison is much more valid than the guns in Starbucks comparison.