Its not easy being an active witness for the Lord

Forum category
I love the Way of the Master evangelism method and love to do street witnessing and open air preaching. Unfortunately no one in my current Fundamental Baptist church is for street witnessing, and they believe in friendship/servant evangelism. So the translation of this is that I go alone when I street witness and cannot find anyone else. Should I create a Meet-up Group? I’d hate to have fellowship with Charismatic and New Evangelical, but in the area of evangelism I have no choice. Besides many of these type are friends with me on FaceBook. We disagree on the gifts of the spirit among other areas, but agree on street evangelism.

Last year I was in a Conservative SBC church that was big on Way of the Master and we did street witnessing weekly, but outings were not very populated, as most of the church members felt more comfortable with friendship/servant evangelism. Those events were well populated. Because of the low support I am still able to witness, but not everyweek. It seems as if every church has a different view on evangelism and what methods are the best. I love my church and will not leave. My old church was big on street evangelism, but they were weak on the doctrine of separation, among other areas.

I write this post for encouragement, and not to debate whether or not you agree with tract evangelism, or open air street preaching. I will ask that if you do not agree with these methods not to post, or to keep your views to yourself. Thank you! What can I do? Create a meet-up Group as previously mentioned?


