Easy-Believism, cheap grace, or true Repentance?

Some say that Charles Stanley believes repentance is a change of mind and not a change of lifestyle. However listening to him on podcast recently this is not what he believes and has stated clearly that those whom say a prayer but live in sin are not true Christians. He said the prayer does not save anyone as only the blood does that. I have heard Stanley in other podcasts state clearly that true believers have fruit. He also has stated that Biblical evangelism is telling people God loves them, but ALSO God judges sin, and sinners will spend eternity in Hell. He is not in favor of those that preach only condemnation, nor is he in favor of those that preach only “God loves you” such as Joel Osteen and others.

I am confused on where the confusion is with him, and why many in the Paul Washer, MacArthur, and Reformed camps claim he teaches “easy-believism.” He does not according to the podcasts I have heard. Perhaps he has in some books, but he is human.


Unfortunately this is characteristic of the Lordship debate from BOTH sides. There are people on each side that use this type of rhetoric to demean the other side’s views. I am not very familiar with Stanley but as far as I know he does not teach “easy believism”.

In his book “Eternal Security,” he compares initial faith to a tattoo where once a person gets a tattoo, he cannot take it off, even if he grows to dislike the tattoo. He writes, “Even those who walk away from the faith have not the slightest chance of slipping from His hand.”

I think that is pretty definitive.

formerly known as Coach C

He also has stated that Biblical evangelism is telling people God loves them

The problem here is that nowhere in the NT does any preacher, Jesus included, proclaim a “God loves you” message - it’s just not there.

There are many sermons where repentance is demanded or required, particularly Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill in Acts 17.

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In light of your statement, I would find it difficult to preach John 3:16 without including God’s love.


He also has stated that Biblical evangelism is telling people God loves them

The problem here is that nowhere in the NT does any preacher, Jesus included, proclaim a “God loves you” message - it’s just not there.

There are many sermons where repentance is demanded or required, particularly Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill in Acts 17.

Hoping to shed more light than heat..