Does Even Asking if Jesus Will Save Those of Other Religions Expose Their Invalidity? Inferiority?

The short answer is, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord [Jesus: shall be saved.” (Rom 10.13) (Matt 11.28-30; Jn 3.16; 10.28).

But to raise the issue of them needing the God of the Bible to save them seems to expose the helplessness of other religions (Acts 4.12; Jn 14.6). Why even raise the issue if Hinduism offers a certain and preferable afterlife? To seek a “back up” solution, Jesus Christ, seems to confirm the Biblical view that manmade religions are indeed untrue, flawed, invalid.

1. For example, if New Age really works and one actually becomes god then needing Jesus to get them to God and eternal life becomes a moot point.

2. If Hinduism’s reincarnation is valid then it would appear that the devotee would be coming back as a butterfly and likely unavailable for Jesus’ help any way.

3. Free will is another reason. A Muslim says, “I choose Allah’s path.” Jesus is not going to violate his free will. Jesus will not drag him or any one, kicking and screaming into a Bible heaven. Choices have consequences. For me, free will seems to prempt the Wider Mercy theology ( i.e, the sincere Hindu devotee will be taken to heaven and belatedly learn that it was Jesus who saved him).

4. Conversely I do not hear of Jesus’ followers seeking back up plans. I do not hear genuine Christans asking, “Have I chosen wrong?” No. We have full assurance of eternal life! We have a blessed answer for our sin problem. Christ has paid our sin debt on the cross of Calvary. We have peace. Evidently they do not.

Therefore if one has doubts about his man made religion that is reason enough to come to Jesus for abundant life now plus eternal life later! Don’t wait. Get it settled.

Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if ANY MAN (capitalized by me) hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Rev 3.20). Bible salvation is available to all men. Who will come? Who can tell Jesus and mean it: “Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of God. I believe that You died to pay my total sin debt. Please forgive me. Right now, take control of my life.”
