Does Charles Stanley teach Quietist theology?

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Wow this site has been updated. The new interface looks much nicer. Anyways my post.

I certainly thought that as I read certain phrases in his book [B: The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life[/B: which has been an excellent read. I was a little concerned as I know that MacArthur clearly warned of this error in his book [B: Our Sufficiency in Christ. [/B: However turning to a later chapter in Stanley’s book he does not teach Quietism. A Quietist is one whom says “let go and let God” as to the Quietist sanctification is 100% a responsibility of the Holy Spirit and we do nothing in the process. Or perhaps I have misunderstood something or someone. Its very easy to misunderstand and take authors out of context as many bloggers and reviewers do all the time. This is why its all the important to be rooted in the scriptures and know them very well.
