"Death is not Dying: A Faith that Saves" by Rachel Barkey

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Rachel Barkey was diagnosed with terminal cancer this year and gave a speech at a women’s conference about her own testimony. I was blessed by watching this video that demonstrates the faith of Rachel Barkey, who recently passed into the presence of the Lord our God on July 2, 2009.

This video was originally mentioned by Diane Heeney on her blog.

The video can be accessed at DeathisnotDying.com.

Though I do not agree with her popular people watch, I found her overall speech to be well done.

What are your thoughts about her testimony?


Actually, I was sent the link via an email from missionary David Janke in Canada, with all the “necessary disclaimers”. I had just checked Rachel’s website a few days ago to see if there were any updates, and wondered if she had gone Home. She was heavily medicated in order to make this testimonial possible, and, I would add, she was also given great grace and composure in order to articulate these thoughts.

Obviously, I think it is a great resource. Our pastor played it for our church folks on a Wednesday night. Rachel shares some very candid observations that I think perhaps surprised her audience. Selfishness and materialism are a couple things she skewered, in light of eternal things. The presentation is evangelistically geared. I think it is a worthwhile consideration to ask oneself, “If I had that same opportunity, what would I say?” Perhaps you may—but wouldn’t it be great to look for opportunities to share those thoughts with someone today? We are surrounded by eternal creatures. All of us will live forever somewhere.

"I pray to God this day to make me an extraordinary Christian." --Whitefield http://strengthfortoday.wordpress.com