Chromebook- moving to the cloud

Forum category…: Will Google power your next notebook?

The search engine giant this week released its answer to Microsoft Windows or Apple Macintosh: The first Chromebooks, stripped-down notebooks running the Google Chrome operating system — a radical computing rethinking that require Web access for the complete experience…

Google’s new OS assumes you’re always in your browser — which is the access point for most of your files anyway, right? Web pages, e-mails, documents on Google Docs, photos stored at Flickr, video chats, streaming music from Pandora … most of what you do is online, isn’t it? Skip the traditional desktop and save time, simplicity and memory, Google argues.

Because it doesn’t load a bunch of background stuff, Chrome OS boots almost instantly. Chrome OS boots in 7 seconds or less — significantly faster than the traditional operating systems from Microsoft and Apple.
I’m starting to love this idea.
