Can true believers also believe in many ways to God?

Is it likely that one is trusting Christ as his Savior and Lord if he thinks that there are other ways to God? Can one truly trusting Christ to pay his sin debt also believe that others not need do so to be redeemed? As is taught in many public schools, is it intolerant to deny all other cultures’ religions access to heaven?


Yes it is intolerant. It is also biblical - John 14:6.

Scripture is clear about how to view false teachers - wolves and robbers. Anyone acknowledging multiple ways to get to heaven must be considered untaught or a false teacher unless or until they are confronted with truth, after which we can only label them as false teachers.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

How much more exclusive is the Greek definite article? Intolerant by the world’s standards, but Scripturally correct. Me, I stand with my Lord’s declaration of exclusivity.

Hoping to shed more light than heat..

Imagine a blind man who says, “It is intolerant and narrowminded to ask everyone to believe that the sun rises in the east. I prefer the southwestern view.”

Imagine one who says that it is legalistic to ask people of all cultures to accept the physical law of gravity. I will go to India and jump off a ten story building to expose such intolerance. And must 2 + 2 always equal 4?”

Besides absolute, universal laws of nature there are also absolute moral laws, we know. For example, the antiGod evolutionist would seem hard pressed to come up with a convincing explanation for the existance of the conscience (not to mention consciousness, spirit, soul )The worldwide sense of right and wrong evidence this. Much rebellion hides behind sophistry and lecture hall spectacles. Peace and joy, :)