Brian McLaren's new book creating a theological firestorm, even among emergents........

I haven’t seen any posts yet about Brian MClaren’s “A New Kind of Christianity” and the response by conservative evangelicals and even aspects of the emergent church. So I’d thought I’d share some of its activity……

Here are some posts from Dr. Micheal Wittmer,Professor at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary and a member of a GARBC church in Grand Rapids (West Cannon Baptist Church) who has engaged the emergent conversation for some time beginning with his book, Don’t Stop Believing. He is in the process of reviewing Brian MClaren’s New Kind of Christianity with some very strong and thoughtful critiques and has created a firestorm, especially among McLaren defenders that are visiting his blog….Here are some links…….……………………

Incidentally, some emergents are also leaving and critiquing the movement because they are realizing that leaders such as McLaren and Pagitt have embraced a form of Christianity that does not even remotely resemble orthodoxy. Here is one by the name of Jeremy Bouma.…


Thanks, Joel. We’ll get something out front on it.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.