Advaned Eschatology Questions

Not interested in a debate with those that disagree with premillennialism thanks.

Anyways trying to do my book and am stuck on a page and the following passages. Perhaps I am stuck because I am reading from the NIV when a NKJV would be more technical and may pinpoint the locations more clearly.

Mic 2:12
Isa 34:1-8
Zechariah 14:4
Rev 18:10,17,19
Joel 3:12
Zechariah 12:10
Rev 16:12-16
Zechariah 14:2

Trying to match the verses with the following locations and am confused on a few of them.

Valley of Armageddon
Mount of olives
Valley of Jehoshaphat
Location 6 is northeast of Petra/Bozrah

I am confused on location 6 and Bozrah. Does anyone know?

Zechariah 14:4 may be location 6 but I don’t know. I also don’t know if it’s Isa 34:1-8 or Rev 16:12-16 as the definite location for Babylon.

Again I have ZERO INTEREST with a debate with those that disagree with premillennialism. Mods please help enforce this thanks..,


The Zechariah 14 passage is Jerusalem with the reference to the mount of olives. I personally believe that is after an initial return to Bozrah and then a procession to Jerusalem.

Also I believe Perta and Bozrah are used almost interchangeably as is Mount Edom. Check out Obadiah as I think it might be a help if I remember correctly.