Do you believe there is a good chance Jesus was born on December 25th?

There seems to be a growing viewpoint that Christ could have been born on December 25. Offhand, any day would have a one out of 365.25 chance of being correct, but is there enough evidence to suggest December 25 has more going for it than other days of the year, as per this article:

So what do you think?

Poll Results


Christmas decorations in the church

My church was decorated for Christmas this past week and I took a specific look just so I could start this thread. What Christmas decorations are in place at your church?


What year was Jesus born? (choose your best guess)

What is your best guess as to when Jesus was born? We know when he began his ministry, he was ABOUT 30 (If Luke knew his exact age, he would not have used the word “about,” Luke 3:23).

Some of us go with a 30 AD crucifixion - resurrection date, I am a 33 AD man myself. But that is a different issue.

There has been some volleying around in recent years on this issue. Has your opinion changed? When did Herod the Great really die?


Stand on Christmas - James Knox

I was wanting to understand what James Knox believes about Christmas. I know I’ve “heard” some input from several sources but I would like to hear it from him directly.

I’ve looked on their website and Googled but have yet to find what I need.

Does anybody have a link to an audio message of James Knox preaching on Christmas?


Thoughts from an Advent Song

The following is an Advent song from my church’s Lessons & Carols service. I’ve been thinking lately about what makes a good Advent song. Of course, there is the aesthetic beauty both in the musical and lyrical composition. In terms of content, though, the best Advent songs are those that refuse to be merely “Christmas” songs. They decline to focus exclusively on Jesus as the cute little baby in the manger.
